Online Marketing Thought Leadership Interview Series

You may have come across several reports on online marketing trends and developments. But information on what you can learn from the latest trends and how you can use them to improve your marketing campaign is few and far between. What you need is helpful tips and rock solid advice.

Stand-Out with The Google Knowledge Graph

Imagine if the best search engine could understand exactly what you mean when you type in searches. What if Google could get you information from the internet by understanding the meaning of the words you type in instead of treating it as a random string of characters? This is exactly what Google is trying to do with its latest search engine technology called “Google Knowledge Graph”, which was released this year. With this technology, the search engine will be able to bring to you all the information and links – from the web – that are related to the search term.

How to Write an Excellent Bio that Attracts Attention

For the website of a company to be successful, it must have a professional looking bio of the company and the important people behind it. Most small businesses, start-ups and individuals who attempt to describe themselves and their products and services, often fail miserably. Even intelligent, educated and driven individuals can end up writing reviews that can drive away potential customers instead of attracting them. Bios on company pages of social networks too must sound professional and be informative. In a bid to sound relatable and friendly, people often end up describing themselves in an immature manner.

The Google Dance Continues With A New Algorithm Change

“Google Dance” was coined some time back when Google rolled out many search engine algorithm changes in quick succession. These monthly changes caused the rankings of websites to fluctuate drastically. Just when SEO experts thought that the Google Dance had disappeared, it is back again.

Will Content Become King Again with Google’s Updates?

In the good old days of print publishing, the publishers that had the best content garnered the most sales. Content had to be attractive, informative and accurate to be able to garner a large audience via newsstands and subscriptions. This formula for success was turned on its head with the advent of Google and SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Search Engines- What’s Next?

Rand Fishkin, CEO of SEOMoz talks about the future of search engines in this video. Search engine optimization is getting competitive by the day.

Dynamics Between Publishers and Content Creators are Changing

Publishing 2.0 has changed the way people get their information. The masses are slowing moving away from traditional publishing venues like newspapers and magazines and towards online articles and blogs. This has also changed the relationship between the publisher and content developers.

How to Keep Up with Search Engine Changes

Search engines such as Google and Bing keep updating their algorithms frequently, which changes the way they work. These updates have a direct impact on search results of a website.

How to Get on Top of Organic Search Results?

Andrew Masanto, one of the founders of Higher Click, in his lecture to students of Harvard Business School explains in detail how a search engine works and what any company looking to get noticed on t