Finding the Right Copywriter in San Francisco for Your Business

San Francisco is not only the heart of liberalism and progressiveness in the United States but it is also one of the nation’s largest economic zones. Tourism is still a major contributor to the city’s economy but it is now fast becoming a technology hub too. Innovative and beloved companies like Craigslist, Zynga, Twitter and the Wikimedia Foundation all have their headquarters or head offices in San Francisco. The city has also become a hub for start-ups and small businesses with over 80% of the firms in city being small businesses with less than 10 employees.

How Writing has Evolved Due to the Internet

The English language, like all other languages, is constantly evolving. Whether we like it or not, the digital era has had a huge impact on how people use the English language to communicate. From the overly formal language used by writers fifty years ago, people now use conversational and casual language and tone on the Internet.

Re-Energize Your Brand with A New Website! – Part 2

As mentioned in the previous article of this series, creating a well-defined content strategy is the first step to creating a new website. A content strategy will help your content and online marketing teams create and publish content on your website that is effective and improves your conversion rates. After you have created and described audience personas in your content strategy, the next step is to decide the tone and voice that you need to use in the content.

Re-Energize Your Brand with A New Website! – Part 1

As a company or brand grows, its capabilities and services also grow and these changes need to be reflected by the company’s website. You simply cannot continue using the same old website that your company had when it was a start-up. Also, web technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that your website can look outdated and become buggy after a while. So why not refresh your brand by refreshing your website to show what your brand is capable of lately? However, launching a brand new website should be a carefully thought out process so that the launch is smooth and successful. Here’s how you can revamp your website without hitches.

Impartial Content is Crucial in Any Content Marketing Strategy

Consumers are highly knowledgeable nowadays and apart from wanting original, relevant and valuable content, they want content that is impartial. They are aware that no business is perfect and they appreciate it when a business has the courage to acknowledge their imperfections. This is why you should encourage your content creation team to write articles about industry events without hesitation.

How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy for Your Small Business

All small businesses should have content marketing strategies in place not only to support social media marketing but also to boost branding and search engine visibility. Consumers no longer respond to blatant advertising and will be willing to engage with your brand only if you are able to provide some value to them. Content marketing is the perfect way to do that. With the content that you create and publish, not only will you be providing useful content that your consumers can learn from but you will also be indirectly promoting your small business.