How to Newsjack Like A Pro

Awesome newsjackers can find a news item somewhat or barely related to their companies and turn it into a massively popular blog post, press release or even a social media campaign. An inbound or content marketer needs to be such a newsjacker. Contrary to popular belief, there is nothing shadowy and murky about newsjacking. Newsjackers are online marketers who are able to capitalize on the popularity of any news story and direct web traffic in their direction by being able to look at unrelated but popular breaking news items from a completely different angle that is relevant to the industries they are in.

Essential Checklist for Article Writing!

Writing or putting together some content for a web article is not enough. To stand out, attract traffic and to gain credibility; your content needs to be the best it can be. Even expert article writers, who have written thousands of articles, can make mistakes that can reduce the quality of their articles. However, most article writers will agree that there are some essential points that needs to be considered before you can click on the publish or send button and upload your content on the Internet. Here is a checklist that all content writers will find useful.

Read These 3 Main Pointers To Create Long-Lasting Web Content

Content creation and marketing is quickly becoming one of the top online marketing choices of companies worldwide. As more and more people are spending time on the Internet, businesses are now having to create interesting web content on their websites and blogs. However, most companies are complaining that they are unable to create enough content to maintain readers’ attention. Also, the popularity of social networks also means that companies not only have to create great content but also distribute it effectively via these channels so that the content is shared by social network users.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a broad term given to the processes of creating content and marketing it. The content can be of many types – textual, infographs, images, videos, etc., but the core purpose is to directly or indirectly lure potential customers and to expand existing customer bases.