3 Online Forum Marketing Tips from Experts

Many marketers take online message boards and forums lightly, but this is a mistake. These are great platforms for gaining insights from existing customers and connecting with new ones.

Online forums are used for recommending and discussing products by 1 in 5 Americans. A survey indicates that 64% women online use message boards for recommending products. These figures underline the fact that marketers need to take online forums seriously. Online forum marketing is often a part of processional social media services package.

While marketing on online message boards you need to remember that these platforms have distinct personalities. Forum users are often highly influential and opinionated. Here are 3 tips to help you make the most of the channel.

Gather information

Before you start marketing, find out how the site works. All the basic information is usually given on the ‘introduction’ or ‘welcome’ page. If your interest in a forum is purely commercial, be honest and inquire about the site’s sponsorship and advertising programs. In case of doubts, do not hesitate in getting in touch with the site admin.

Make valuable contribution

Useful contribution is the only way to succeed at an online forum. Raise questions, interact with members and use your expertise to answer queries. This will help you establish credibility and gain access to marketing opportunities.

Consider advertising

Many popular forums sell ‘sticky’ threads. Such posts and banner ads are a great way to promote your products and services on the site.
