Top 20 FAQs on Content Marketing

If content marketing is still a mystery to you, these 20 frequently asked questions will give you a good idea about this popular marketing form that has transformed the way businesses and consumers interact.

What Does the Debate on Net Neutrality Mean for Content Marketers?

The internet has become an integral part of modern life. It is considered a great equalizer. But is it, really? The topic of net neutrality, which in the simplest terms, means keeping the internet open, has captured the imagination of the public. This week, discussions on the regulation of the internet will move to Congress. FCC commissioner Tom Wheeler is expected to present net neutrality rules to the House Subcommittee on Communications and Technology. The commission is attempting to create a level-playing field on the internet, or enforce net neutrality, which has its detractors (notably the chairperson of the aforementioned subcommittee Greg Walden). However, FCC is also saying that the pay-to-play fast lane does not compromise net neutrality.

Matt Cutts Reiterates Importance of Body Copy to Google Search Visibility

There is a tendency among search engine marketers to be meticulous about the header content – title tag and meta description – but more casual about the relevance of body content to the page. It can confuse Google and make it difficult for the search engine to return the page to users. This is the point Matt Cutts, head of Google’s webspam team, made in his latest video.

Three Best Practices of Content Marketing

Content marketing has been around for a while now. But few businesses are actually deriving value from their content marketing efforts. It’s not easy to understand why – at a time when we’re bombarded by content of all type on our desktops, mobile phones, tablets and through traditional channels, the focus on value and quality of content holds precedence over everything else. Which brings us to the first best practice of content marketing – creating useful content.

Twitter Losing Steam Among Users?

Two latest surveys don’t exactly have good news for Twitter in the social media competition stakes. According to Forrester Research, followers engage with Google Plus posts more regularly than Twitter posts. Pew Research has found that a meager eight per cent of Twitter’s entire user base uses it to stay up-to-date with news.

8 “Futuristic” features that can amaze iPhone 6 users

Apple has a proven track record of introducing innovative features/technologies in its products. The 1st version of the iPhone was a revolutionary product when it was introduced. According to many sources, the next version, iPhone 6 will also be a revolutionary product. There are rumors day in and day out on the looks and features of iPhone 6.

Memes on iPhone 6 rumours

Its been a few months since the time iPhone 5S was launched. There have been many rumours day in and day out on what the next iPhone version, iPhone 6 might consist of. Here’s a light hearted look at what the rumours say and what people think about iPhone 6.

Five Tips to Market Your Content on Twitter

Twitter is an excellent promotional platform for branded content. When leveraged smartly, it can drive a ton of traffic to your blog or website. Here are five tips savvy marketers use to grab eyeballs and social shares.

Eight Features in iPhone 6 that Will Make the Users Happy

The fans of iPhone are eagerly waiting for the launch of its latest model, the iPhone 6. Here is an infographic on the eight features which the users want to be incorporated in the phone and which will probably make it very popular:

The Wait for iPhone 6 – What Users Expect from Tim Cook

Apple Inc. commands a rabid fan base that other companies wish they had. However, their popularity and the loyalty from their followers are well deserved considering the company makes some of the most exciting and innovative gadgets.

How Availing Social Media Services Can Help Small Businesses

Small businesses normally don’t have the resources or the man power to handle expensive marketing initiatives. That is why many small businesses stay away from traditional forms of marketing and opt for internet marketing. Of all the forms of online marketing, social media marketing has proven to be one of the most successful for small businesses. Not only it is extremely cost-effective but it also allows small businesses with limited resources to reach out to a larger audience.

Eight Years of Tweeting – 5 Things That Users Want

The fact that Twitter is about to celebrate its eighth birthday can be quite surprising for most Twitter users. It only seems like yesterday that the 140-character micro-blogging website was launched. The website was launched on 21 March , 2006 and now has more than 500 million users and the site sees more than 340 million tweets being uploaded every day. Twitter has become the preferred medium of choice for most celebrities and brands to connect with their fans. In fact, the celebrities can command millions of followers on Twitter to whom they can converse with directly.