SEO Updates We Can Expect from Google in The Next Few Months

As Google has released many changes to its search engine algorithms and come down severely on suspicious SEO practices, people are always curious about upcoming changes in terms of SEO. Most people have to settle for speculations as Google is very tight-lipped about future changes it has planned. In this video, Matt Cutts – head of the Google Webspam team, reveals what his team is working on and what people can expect from Google in the coming months.

What will Google Search Look Like in 10 Years?

Technology is advancing at such a rapid pace that every few years our lives are being completely transformed by it. Gone are the days when computers could understand only command line instructions. Now computer programs can understand and analyze your behavior, and even recommend products that are perfectly suited for you. Some computer applications can even mimic rudimentary neural networks and human decision processes. No other generation has seen so many technological advances as ours and no one can accurately predict what the future will look like. With technology transforming our lives every few years, what will Google Search – the most advanced search engine on the planet, look like 10 years down the line?

Are People Moving Away From Search Engines?

This might be hard to believe, but according to recent reports published by Experian – the number of people using search engines is declining. Astonishingly, the trend seen in recent months is the first time that search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc. have not reported phenomenal growth in their user bases.