Top 5 Corporate Blogs That Make Us All Look Bad

The importance of blogging and the need for it in business is well-known, however, most companies make the mistake of filling their blogs with promotions and company announcements. These types of blog posts may be informative to existing customers but they are not share-worthy. In such cases, enlisting the help and services of a professional blog writing agency would be better in order to stay relevant in the minds of the target audience and maximize success.

However, there are some companies – large multinational ones in fact, that do not bank only on their brand names to attract visitors to their blogs. As in the first rule of blogging – these companies have generated excellent and original content for their blogs that has prompted many users to share and link back to them.

It seems like most famous technology or IT companies have mastered the art of blogging and are attracting thousands of visitors the hard way: by creating lengthy, original, and useful content. It doesn’t matter if the blog is stylish and filled with graphics. Readers will share a post only if they find it useful and original. So which are the companies that have managed to generate the best blog ideas and create blogs that are completely unique?

#5. Amazon: Looks can be deceiving

The blog of this online retail giant Amazon goes to show that you do not need a fancy blog to attract visitors and to get them to share the posts. There are three authors who maintain the blog and post regularly. Most of the topics covered are very technical and are related to technologies being developed by the company, but they are in no way promotional. The blog is updated regularly attracting technology junkies to the blog.

Our rating: 7/10

#4. IBM: Power to the employees

IT services giant IBM has one of the best blogs around in terms of looks and content. The company has allowed employees of the company to have their own blogs within the company blog and all the posts are categorized under author names and blog names. This way, readers can keep going back to posts and authors they like best. This also allows the company to cover a wide range of topics and choose the best blog topic for experts in the company to share their expertise. As the company has so many authors for the blog, the volume of content generated is enormous making the blog a virtual repository of technical information.

Our rating: 8/10

#3. GE: Pictures say a thousand words

General Electric has named its blog “GE Reports” and uses storytelling to bring company information to customers. This is one of the few company blogs that has managed to balance great visuals like videos and images with equally impressive content. Readers will find high-quality, striking images along with every post. This way of creative blogging is not only attention-grabbing but allows the reader to get a gist of the post when they look at the image. These images also make these posts very share-worthy on social networking platforms.

Our rating: 8.5/10

#2. Facebook: Tapping the power of millions

The biggest social network in the world – Facebook, has managed to direct a large chunk of its users to its blog. It would be ironic if this social networking giant had only an average blog but thankfully it doesn’t. The latest Facebook updates are revealed and explained as blog posts in a timely manner. Company employees who were involved in the news-making update are the ones who write and post the articles. Older posts are kept updated with new information and redirects, and the blog attracts thousands of readers, likes, and shares for every individual post.

Our rating: 8.5/10

#1. Patagonia: Corporate does not have to mean stuffy

This clothing company’s blog is the odd one out in a list dominated by software company blogs. However, Patagonia’s blog is consistently ranked among many “best blog” lists and with good reason. The company sells adventure gear, so it has created a company blog that feels more like a travelogue. It does not look like a stuffy corporate blog as most of the posts are from readers sharing their personal travel experiences. This personal touch allows readers to connect with this blog emotionally.

Our rating: 9/10