Are Social Logos on Television Really Helpful?

Today social media marketing has become an integral part of the overall marketing-mix. Companies lacking required resources are turning to professional social media service providers.

You would have noticed that these days almost every ad and program on television features social logos. So, do these logos work? Interestingly, yes, they do!

According to a recent study carried out by Accenture, as many as one third of American viewers tweet about brands or shows and ‘like’ them on Facebook after seeing relevant social media logos on TV. The study reveals that liking a page on Facebook is the most common action initiated by the social logos. If you are looking to create impactful logos that convert, try a custom logo maker online.

Viewers also used Shazam and searched Twitter for shows’ hashtags.

Now the question arises, what motivates these viewers to interact with brands and shows socially? Unlike popular belief, it is not the desire to be social. Most viewers respond to these symbols to enter sweepstakes or get coupons. The desire to connect with other people having similar interests and to recommend shows or videos is also an important motivator. A majority of survey participants seemed satisfied with the content received through the social logos.
