Tips to Write the Most Engaging Whitepapers

Whitepapers may be some of the most feared forms of content out there. But this is an ill-deserved reputation. If written correctly, they can be robust and effective tools of communication. Here are a few tips that you can follow to write engaging whitepapers:

  • First choose an audience and then choose the topic

With so many topics waiting to be written about, any writer is bound to be confused about the choice of topic. But before you jump into the deep end, start by selecting a target readership. Your readers will not only determine your choice of topic, they will also determine your style of writing and choice of words.

  • Sound professional

Whitepapers aren’t blog posts or e-books. They are formal write-ups that need to be written in a professional tone. While jargons are allowed, try not to overuse them. The content should follow a business tone and must be understandable.

  • Start with a bang

Research has shown that people can concentrate on an activity for an average of 8 seconds. If your whitepaper fails to grab your reader’s attention within the first few seconds, chances are they may not finish reading it. Your introduction should be engaging, informative and fun.

  • Don’t create a marketing brochure

A whitepaper is designed to provide an expert opinion about a problem and to provide a solution that can be implemented. Many writers try to pawn off a shoddily drafted marketing brochure as a whitepaper, which defeats the purpose of the whitepaper. Also,

don’t include constant references to your company’s products or services in the whitepaper.

  • Writing comes first, editing second

Writing a whitepaper can be challenging. With so many facts and figures to keep track of, it’s easy to get flustered. While editing and proofing are important, they can distract even the most experienced writer. Instead, finish writing your content at a stretch and then sit down to the editing. This will ensure that you don’t leave out any important points while drafting.

  • Use bullets, sub-heads and sidebars

Bullets and sub-heads can help you sectionalize your whitepaper. Sidebars can be used to give important information which you haven’t included in the main text. Together, they improve the readability of your whitepaper.

  • Draft the executive summary in the end

While many writers prefer to write the executive summary in the beginning, as practice it is better to write it in the end. An executive summary contains information about why the topic was chosen, what was the intended result and what the actual result was – all of which can be eloquently stated only post-completion of the drafting.

  • Provide realistic solutions

The objective of a whitepaper is to solve a particular problem. While writing, bear in mind the ability of readers to implement the solutions. Make sure that the content you’ve written adds quantifiable value to the lives of the readers.

By using these few tips you will soon find your whitepapers a favorite with your readers. In case you don’t have the time or are not sure about how to go about writing the whitepaper, you can take the help of professional whitepaper writing services.


Featured image source: kaboompics

