How to Ensure That Google Knows Your Content is Original

In a perfect world, no one would rip off the content from your website and use it on theirs and Google would be perfectly aware about who the original author of the content is. Creating original content is a major struggle for most companies and content creators. Some people even take the easy route and copy content from other sources. Although Google is now coming down severely on low-quality websites, it is quite hard for Google search algorithms to figure out who is the original author of any piece of content and which are the websites that copied the content.

Great Content that Performs Well in Google Search Results

The ultimate goal of any content marketer or a content marketing campaign is to ensure that the online content allows a website to rank well on Google search results. In a bid to improve rankings quickly, there are many companies and marketers who have resorted to black hat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, buying links, etc. that can not only lower the quality of your content but can also get your website penalized. So what does Google suggest? How do you create content that performs well in Google search results? In this video, Alexi Douvas – member of the Google Search Quality Team, explains how people can create content that can help improve the rankings of websites.

Users Can Now Create Their Own Magazines for Tablets using Flipboard

Flipboard is an extremely popular app for tablets that allows users to view content by flipping through it like they would to read a magazine. Flipboard presents tablet-friendly content to users in an attractive manner and people love it so much that this application was able to attract close to 50 million users in a very short span of time.

Utilitarian Content Marketing is The Need of the Hour

If recent trends are to be believed, people do not want glitz and glamour. Practicality and relevancy seems to be of the utmost importance for customers and readers. Sadly, very few companies are thinking of utilitarian content marketing and most are using content marketing channels to churn out as much marketing material as they can. You may think that content marketing is free and people will flock towards your published content only because they don’t have to pay for it. This is not true and it is no reason to create fluff-filled, content pieces that only serve to market your company’s products. As with other forms of marketing, utilitarian seems to be the key and gone are the days when content was just another form of advertisement.