Will Mobile Marketing Steal the Show in 2015?

According to a Morgan Stanley Research survey, in 2014, the number of mobile users globally crossed 1,800 million. And this number will only continue to rise through 2015. Let’s look at some more numbers – A Statista survey revealed that 74 per cent of its respondents compared prices on their mobile devices before they visited a store; 53 per cent of them made purchases on retailers’ apps. If you’re still not convinced that mobile marketing is the way to go in 2015, see the full survey report here.

Despite quantifiable evidence in favor of the world-is-going-mobile trend, only a third of the 300 digital marketers who were polled in a survey across the UK and the US said that mobile marketing was a priority. However, in the forthcoming year, these marketers might just be forced to adapt, as the horizon for mobile marketing is getting wider.

It’s time for mobile mania

Some companies are still getting comfortable with SEO, and content marketing on mobile devices may seem like a hard nut to crack. Here are a few things you should keep in mind next year, especially if you want your brand to grow as quickly as content marketing is evolving.

Go Mobile

Mobile marketing strategies across industries lack maturity largely because most companies do not have the right infrastructure in place. Don’t let conversions rates discourage you. Considering that an average American consumer spends almost 257 minutes using the internet on their mobile, making your brand accessible is a huge opportunity for engagement. If an app seems a little far-fetched for your marketing budget, begin with making your website mobile-friendly.

Use data, get insight

Although tools for tracking mobile users are still in their infancy, using data, keeping an eye out on local trends and ensuring that your content adds value to the consumer can help solidify your mobile marketing strategy. For instance, you could use Google Trends to understand what consumers in your region are searching. You can also use Google Analytics to see what keywords visitors used to find your site.

Delivery is as important as strategy

Customer experience is the holy grail of mobile marketing. Right from the look and feel of your mobile campaign to the relevance of your content, the only way to keep customers from clicking on ‘Skip Ad’ is to show them what they’ll like.

To answer the question we first raised – yes, mobile marketing is all set to steal the show in the year ahead, and you should definitely want to share the stage this time.

Photo credit: Highways Agency via flickr cc
