Why Headlines are So Crucial to Selling – Brian Clark Explains

Brian Clark of Copyblogger fame, in the following video talks of how important headlines are to selling anything – a product, a service or a business.

80% of your target audience scans only the headlines. For this reason, it is very important that your headline is able to grab their attention and coax them to read on till the ‘call-to-action’!

Limiting your headline to 8-10 words is generally a good idea, though you shouldn’t make this a hard and fast rule.

Using keywords is always smart, but don’t bother overly about where you place them. As long as the content surrounding it is relevant and appeals to your audience, your writing will make an impression.

Hire a professional copywriter service or SEO copywriting service today, to write you some really grabbing headlines!

Brian Clark: Headlines- PubCon Austin 2009 by WebProNews