Memes on Importance of Content Marketing – LOL :)

If you think that people ignore original and interesting content, think again!

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Do you think that most companies don’t use content marketing? Boy, are you wrong!

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Content marketing is not going anywhere! It is hugely successful now and is poised to become the most successful form of marketing in the future.

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Having trouble with search engine optimization? Try content marketing to boost SEO efforts.

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Content marketing is the preferred form of marketing for B2B and B2C marketers.

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Customers trust content marketing and feel better about brands that create and publish content.

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As customers trust content marketing and brands that practise content marketing, they connect with such brands more on social media websites.

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Do you find blogs cumbersome? Are you unable to find the time and energy to maintain one for your company? Companies with blogs generate 67% more leads than ones that don’t.

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Content marketing is not a fad and many companies are planning to invest in content marketing for years to come.

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More and more brands are jumping on the content marketing bandwagon. A whopping $118.4 billion was spent on content marketing in 2013!

Also see:

Stats that Show Why Content Marketing is Hot  |  Video: Amazing stats on Content Marketing