Does Adding Shock Value to Your Content Really Work?

Social scientists believe that shocking content actually increases attention and helps the reader retain the message better.

When compared with content that is ‘run of the mill’, content with shock value does impact the target audience far more effectively. Then, why not put shock value to work in your content too? Does it really work?

Shocking content does work, provided it meets certain criteria and is presented in the right way. If misused, shock value can backfire quite spectacularly by turning readers away forever. There are a few important points to keep in mind when writing shocking content.

One of the most effective applications of shock value is to highlight something shocking that customers are very likely to overlook to their detriment. Remember the advertisement for rodent poison where the mother inadvertently gives her baby a soother that an unseen rat has nibbled? The advertisement clearly underlines the unseen danger and overlooked risks that not using effective rodent control can result in. This is what your shock content should do. It should spotlight the shocking aspect/ consequence in a dramatic way. And it should prompt the reader to immediately look for a solution.

Now comes the second and most critical part. Once you have established the need for an effective solution by using shock value, it is time to sell your product. Present your business/ product/ service as the best and most effective solution. Explain how it eliminates the risk arising from the shocking event or how it helps you handle the consequences of the event. Reassure the reader that by purchasing your product or using your services, he is fully equipped to deal with the event.

When you use shocking content to grab attention, it is most important to follow up with an effective answer to the problem- your product/ service. The critical thing is to end on a positive note. Quoting satisfied users on how the product/ service helped them deal with a disastrous event is a great way to do this. Enlist the help of a professional copywriting service to write effective shocking content tailored to your requirements.